Elevation Map Analysis

1. Description

Digital Surface Models (DSM) and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) can be examined on Aether using the map hillshading or slopeshading visualization features.

2. Inputs

Required Definition
DSM or DTM Digital Surface Models, Digital Terrain Models

3. Workflow

Step 1 - Open the Survey containing the DSM or DTM.

Step 2 - Go to the BASE LAYERS section from the left panel.

Step 3 - Select the model (DSM or DTM) and click it to open the information panel on the right side.

Step 4 - Go to the shading section at the bottom of the information panel and select the shading.

4. Results

  • Depending on your selection the display will be updated, view the DSM example below:
  • Read the Elevation Change Map for more information about how to view changes‍ between two successive DSMs.