Aether Wording Updates

1. Description

The Aether platform and business use cases have evolved significantly since the initial platform release a few years ago.
Some of the terminology used to date no longer reflects the current product or its vision.

To improve the global consistency of the platform, we have updated some of the module names and icons to better fit their purpose and renamed and re-categorized the analytics in our analytics catalog.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this update, please contact your sales representative.

2. Aether Modules Rewording

Data Studio Your Sites A workspace where you can visualize your data organized into projects, order analytics and use data computation and transformation tools on your raw data.
Data Acquisition Data Capture Manage and quality check your large scale or complex data acquisition to ensure timely capture.
Digital Inspection Asset Inspector Plan and perform all types of inspection by leveraging data acquisition and data processing workflows, and building automated reports for vision-based equipment inventory and diagnosis.
Insight Asset Viewer Visualize and aggregate data in 2D or 3D from the asset perspective, and explore and navigate your assets through interactive and contextual views.
Analysis Analysis Management Manage asset data analysis at scale.
Operations Operations Management Manage and monitor maintenance operations at asset level
Data Flow Dataflow Seamlessly import large batches of unstructured data from an external data lake
Season Planner - Automate your recurrent data collection and analysis operations
Administration User & Company Manager A workspace where you can visualize your data organized into projects, order analytics and use data computation and transformation tools on your raw data.

3. Modules Icons Updates

4. Aether Analytic Catalog Updates

We have renamed and re-categorized our analytics catalog to make it consistent and allow easier tools access.

Our tools are now grouped into 4 categories: 

  • Computation Tools: Perform simple calculations on your dataset, such as calculating a volume, area, or point cloud difference, or generate advanced 2D maps and 3D models from your raw data.
  • Feature Extraction: Extract business features such as assets, assets properties, or attributes from your raw data.
  • Transformation Tools: Perform transformations on your data, such as converting, cropping, or aggregating data.
  • Vegetation Assessment: Assess the condition or characteristics of vegetation, crops, or forests to understand its condition and how it changes over time.


COMPUTING TOOL Advanced Cut and Fill - - - -
COMPUTING TOOL Contour line Creates contour lines from an elevation model FREE ANALYTICS
Contour Lines Generate contours connecting all points with same Height from an elevation model
COMPUTING TOOL Custom composition map  Calculates custom composition map (RGB, CIR, …) from reflectance or hyperspectral map AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Composition Map - Custom Calculate custom composition map
COMPUTING TOOL Custom Contour Lines Generate specific contours on the stock area GENERAL PURPOSE - -
COMPUTING TOOL Custom spectral index map Computes spectral index map from custom formula and generates index map raster file AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Scouting Map - Custom Calculate custom scouting map
COMPUTING TOOL Digital terrain model Creates an interpolated DTM to remove objects and vegetation above ground FREE ANALYTICS DTM Create an interpolated DTM using polygons to remove small above ground objects such as vehicles
COMPUTING TOOL Elevation change map Generates an elevation change map and calculates cut and fill volumes between two surveys FREE ANALYTICS Change map -
COMPUTING TOOL Field digital terrain model Creates an interpolated DTM of a field by removing above-ground vegetation AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Bare soil model estimation Estimate terrain elevation
COMPUTING TOOL Field Operation Report - - - -
COMPUTING TOOL Ground coverage Generates ground covered area from elevation model (DSM or DTM) in vector format FREE ANALYTICS - Generate AOI in vector format from Elevation model (DSM or DTM)
COMPUTING TOOL Photogrammetry Generates 2D map and 3D model from a dataset of geotagged images BASICS - Generate 2D and 3D models from your data
COMPUTING TOOL Point cloud difference Computes the difference (change) between two PCLs FREE ANALYTICS PCL Difference -
COMPUTING TOOL Powerline Modelization Powerline Modelization in stereoscopy POWER AND UTILITIES - BASICS - -
COMPUTING TOOL Solar progress report Qualifies the progress of a solar farm construction project GENERAL PURPOSE Solar construction monitoring -
COMPUTING TOOL Spectral index map Computes generic spectral index map AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Scouting Maps - Generics Calculate generic scouting maps
FEATURE EXTRACTION Automated stockpile calculation Detects and performs accurate volume calculation for stockpile inventory reporting MINES AND AGGREGATES Advanced Stockpiles Detect, digitize and perform accurate volume calculations for stockpile inventory reporting
FEATURE EXTRACTION Grid digitization Generates grid from an area of interest with a custom grid size AGRICULTURE - PLANTATION & FORESTRY Grid designer Generates grid from contour
FEATURE EXTRACTION Haul road analysis Detects, digitizes and extracts the geometry of haul roads (grades, widths, crossfalls) MINES AND AGGREGATES Haul Roads Detect, digitize and extract the geometry of your haul roads (grades, widths, crossfalls)
FEATURE EXTRACTION Image Inference for AEP Detect anomalous component on images of powerlines GENERAL PURPOSE - -
FEATURE EXTRACTION Microplot digitization Digitizes microplot boundaries AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT Microplot designer Delineate the boundaries of microplots
FEATURE EXTRACTION Mine safety analysis Detects digitizes and measures the height of highwalls and safety berms MINES AND AGGREGATES Safety Detect, digitize and measure the heights of your highwalls and berms
FEATURE EXTRACTION Object Detection Detects objects in orthomosaic images GENERAL PURPOSE - -
FEATURE EXTRACTION P&U Defect Detection P&U Defect Detection GENERAL PURPOSE - -
FEATURE EXTRACTION Powerline Components and Defects Detection This AI based algorithm detects powerline components and defects. GENERAL PURPOSE - -
FEATURE EXTRACTION Vehicle Detection Detect vehicles in orthomosaic images GENERAL PURPOSE - -
TRANSFORMATION TOOL 3D vector data to elevation grid Generates a digital terrain model from vector file FREE ANALYTICS - Generates a digital terrain model from vector layer
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Automatic point cloud classification Semantically segments (classifies) a point cloud POWER AND UTILITIES - BASICS - This task semantically segments (classifies) the point cloud.
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Crop raster from microplots - AGRICULTURE - -
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Duplicate Vector Layer Duplicate a vector layer in the current project and survey GENERAL PURPOSE - -
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Elevation model to point vector Allows the conversion of an elevation model into a point vector in .dxf format FREE ANALYTICS - Analytic allowing the conversion of an elevation model into a point vector in dxf format
TRANSFORMATION TOOL PCL to Mesh Generate Mesh files from your point cloud FREE ANALYTICS - -
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Point cloud geographic conversion Converts a point cloud in local coordinates FREE ANALYTICS
Convert point cloud to local coordinates Converts your point cloud in local coordinates
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Point cloud simplification Generates a less dense point cloud FREE ANALYTICS - Generate a simplified point cloud (less dense)
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Raster cropping Crops a raster within an area of interest FREE ANALYTICS Raster crop Crop your raster with an area of interest
TRANSFORMATION TOOL Vector attribute addition Add attributes to vector file from a .csv file GENERAL PURPOSE Join attributes Join CSV attributes to vector file
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Emergence characterization for field Estimates crop vigor at emergence AGRICULTURE - PRODUCTION FIELD Emergence Characterization -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Flowering characterization from orthomosaic Estimates the percentage of flowering for canola or sunflower AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Flowering Characterization -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Flowering characterization from reflectance Estimates the percentage of flowering for canola or sunflower SEASON PLANNER - -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Fraction of vegetation cover from orthomosaic for microplot Estimates the fraction of ground covered by green vegetation SEASON PLANNER Fraction of Vegetation Cover from RGBorthomosaic Fraction of Vegetation Cover from RGBorthomosaic
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Fraction of vegetation cover from reflectance for microplot Estimates the fraction of ground covered by green vegetation SEASON PLANNER Fraction of vegetation cover from reflectance -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Fraction of vegetation cover from spectral index Estimates the fraction of ground covered by green vegetation AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Fraction of Vegetation Cover -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant count & emergence from orthomosaic for microplot Estimates plant count and emergence for row crops SEASON PLANNER Plant count & emergence from orthomosaic Detect missing plants and estimate plant (stand) count
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant count & emergence from reflectance for microplot Estimates plant count and emergence for row crops SEASON PLANNER Plant count & emergence from multispectral -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant count & emergence from spectral index for microplot Estimates plant count and emergence for row crops in microplots AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT Plant count and emergence Estimate plant count and emergence for row crops
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant count for field Estimates plant count in row crops AGRICULTURE - PRODUCTION FIELD Plant count Detect missing plants and estimate plant (stand) count
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant height for field Estimates plant or tree height for fields, forests or plantations AGRICULTURE - PLANTATION & FORESTRY
Plant height for production field Estimate plant height
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant height for microplot Estimates plant height in microplots AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Plant height for trial field Estimates plant height
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Plant height from LiDAR for microplot Estimates plant height in microplots AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT Plant height from LiDAR Generate plant height statistics from LiDAR file
statistics for production field Extract statistical metrics of raster map
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Raster statistics extraction for microplot Extracts statistical metrics of raster file AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT Statistics for trial field Extract statistical metrics of raster map
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Reflectance statistics extraction for microplot Index Statistics from reflectance SEASON PLANNER Index statistics from reflectance -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Row vectorization for field  Detects, digitizes and measures rows within large field AGRICULTURE - PRODUCTION FIELD Row vectorization for production field Detect, digitize and measure rows within fields
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Row vectorization for microplot Detects, digitizes and measures rows within microplots AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT Row vectorization for trial field Detect, digitize and measure rows within microplots
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Stay Green from orthomosaic Measures crop ability to stay as a green growing plant in late-season plant AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Stay Green -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Stay Green from reflectance Measures crop ability to stay as a green growing plant in late-season plant SEASON PLANNER - -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Tree density indicator Calculates tree density statistics AGRICULTURE - PLANTATION & FORESTRY - -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Tree detection Detects trees in plantation or forest AGRICULTURE - PLANTATION & FORESTRY - -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Tree detection and analysis Detects trees, measures tree height and provides advanced health and density indicators AGRICULTURE - PLANTATION & FORESTRY Advanced tree analysis -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Vegetation encroachment Detects and inventories collisions between vegetation and powerline utilities POWER AND UTILITIES - BASICS - -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Vegetation encroachment advanced - - - -
VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Weed detection for field Detects weeds and generates a prescription map AGRICULTURE - PRODUCTION FIELD Weed Management Detects weeds on bare soil or row crops and generates a prescription map.
SEASON PLANNER Flowering characterization from orthomosaic Estimates the percentage of flowering for canola or sunflower AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Flowering Characterization -
SEASON PLANNER Flowering characterization from reflectance Estimates the percentage of flowering for canola or sunflower - - -
SEASON PLANNER Fraction of vegetation cover from orthomosaic for microplot Estimates the fraction of ground covered by green vegetation - Fraction of Vegetation Cover from RGBorthomosaic Fraction of Vegetation Cover from RGBorthomosaic
SEASON PLANNER Fraction of vegetation cover from reflectance for microplot Estimates the fraction of ground covered by green vegetation - Fraction of vegetation cover from reflectance -
SEASON PLANNER Plant height for microplot Estimates plant height in microplots AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Plant height for trial field Estimates plant height
SEASON PLANNER Stay Green from orthomosaic Measures crop ability to stay as a green growing plant in late-season plant AGRICULTURE - FIELD EXPERIMENT
Stay Green -
SEASON PLANNER Stay Green from reflectance Measures crop ability to stay as a green growing plant in late-season plant - - -
SEASON PLANNER Plant count & emergence from reflectance for microplot Estimates plant count and emergence for row crops - Plant count & emergence from multispectral -
SEASON PLANNER Plant count & emergence from orthomosaic for microplot Estimates plant count and emergence for row crops - Plant count & emergence from orthomosaic Detect missing plants and estimate plant (stand) count
SEASON PLANNER Reflectance statistics extraction for microplot Index Statistics from reflectance - Index statistics from reflectance -

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