Data Acquisition - Resources: Managing Teams and Pilots

1. Description

This article will describe how to create teams (pilot teams) and team members (pilots) in order to assign tasks to them.

2. Managing a team



All actions concerning team management will be done in the "TEAMS" tab.

Click on "RESOURCES".

2.1 Team creation

Step 1 - To create a new team click on "+ NEW TEAM".

Step 2 - Fill in the form with the name of the team, the company that is linked to the team, and the team leader (select a pilot on the list).



If the leader wanted is not on the list, see paragraph 3. to create it.

Step 3 - Click on "SAVE" to complete the creation of the team.

Step 4 - A team card appears in the "TEAMS" tab.

2.2 Team edition

Step 1 - Click on the 3 dots menu of the team card and click on "Edit" (or "Delete" if it's for team deletion).

Step 2 - Update the team name and/or the leader and click on "SAVE".



The company is not editable.

3. Managing pilots

In the "PILOTS" tab, pilots could be associated with the previously created Teams.

Click on "RESOURCES" and on the "PILOTS" tab.



All actions concerning team management will be done in the "PILOTS" tab.

3.1 Create a Pilot

Step 1 - Click on "+ NEW PILOT".

Step 2 - Fill in the required fields:

  • Select a Platform User: A pilot of the Company must be a user in the Platform so make sure his User Profile is created and associated with the corresponding Company. 
  • Assign the pilot to a Team (a company must be created previously, see paragraph 2.)
  • Enter his carrier and sensor model capabilities 


  • Teams, carrier, and sensor model capabilities are not limited to 1 choice.
  • Carrier and sensor model capabilities are not mandatory fields.

Step 3 - Click on "SAVE".

3.2 Pilot Edition

Step 1 - Click on the 3 dots menu of a pilot card and click on "Edit" (or "Delete" if it's for pilot deletion).

Step 2 - Update the linked team, the carrier, or sensor model capabilities and click on "SAVE".



The user field is not editable.

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