Description of Alteia Solutions

1. Description

Alteia delivers a comprehensive vision Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform and a large and growing family of turnkey enterprise AI applications.

2. The Alteia platform

The Alteia platform is a comprehensive platform for rapidly developing, deploying, and operating AI applications with vision AI built around 3 main building blocks:

  • fuse
  • build
  • deploy

2.1 Fuse

Integrate, unify, and contextualize disparate media streams, internal and external, into a single logical data representation.

Combine internal and external data onto a single platform to build, navigate, and visualize a contextualized data image.

Combine your data into a single stream with contextualization and cataloging tools.

Run operations on your data with the transformation tools and photogrammetry tools.

Navigate and visualize your data model (even in 3D), and explore complex data dependencies using powerful visualization tools.

2.2 Build

Accelerate your AI deployment by leveraging our pre-built ML building blocks, or implement your own models without writing code using an intuitive user interface.

The Alteia platform offers a variety of tools to accelerate the development of AI-based applications.

Use Time Series to get the historical information that can be analyzed by AI and ML algorithms to generate and test predictive models

Leverage pre-built ML models or build upon them to reflect your unique business process. If you want something still more bespoke, you can develop custom object models.

Label data with internal and external teams simultaneously.

Implement incremental learning workflows.

Compute and cross-analyze information using intuitive user interfaces.

2.3 Deploy

Apply AI-based applications across your organization to quickly transform your visual intel into valuable business insights. Grow and adapt with your data in real-time for continuously intelligent business decisions.

The Alteia platform enables the deployment of AI applications that seamlessly work with existing data storage, enterprise source systems, tools, and underlying infrastructure. It is designed to connect to and work in harmony with major cloud infrastructure and service providers without compromising on data governance, compliance, and security requirements.

Monitor all aspects of the platform for improved performance.

Fully control user access and user management.

Implement feedback loops for quality control and incremental learning.

Leverage our set of APIs and SDK for easy integration into your existing software environment.

3. Alteia AI Applications

Alteia provides a set of proven AI applications to enable your digital transformation and rapidly address business challenges at scale with zero development.

3.1 Worksite management

Leverage Alteia's data contextualization and AI workflows to simplify progress tracking across your worksites.

With Alteia Worksite, you can store and analyze your project data, coming from aerial drones, ground cameras, smartphones, satellites, or laser scanners. 

The application enables the visualization and computation of images, orthophotos, and 3D data, as the processing of AI-driven analytics in order to increase the performance and safety of the worksite while reducing associated costs.

Visualize your project in 2D or 3D, perform inventory and production monitoring at a quarry, construction project or mine project with Alteia's AI-based stockpile detection and volumetric estimation, compute cut and fill volumes or change detection between 2 datasets or at a given time against design files. Access instantly the data, projection tools, dashboards, and reports you need and share it easily across your organization.

3.2 Mining Productivity Analysis

Leverage Alteia's AI techniques to deploy more thoughtful road maintenance strategies that allow you to improve machine efficiency, productivity, and safety.

With the Alteia Haul Road and Safety Analysis application, you can store and analyze your mine data, coming from aerial drones, ground cameras, smartphones, or laser scanners. 

The application enables the visualization and the computation of images, orthophotos, and 3D data, as the processing of AI-driven applications in order to increase the performance and safety on haul roads, while reducing associated costs and CO2 emissions.

Alteia's innovative AI techniques allow you to improve haul road analysis by constantly checking conditions at a quarry or a mining project. This level of insight will enable you to take actions that enhance your employees' safety and increase efficiency and productivity while reducing your CO2 emissions and meeting your environmental goals. 

Alteia's application uses geospatial data contained in surveys to extract the geometry of haul roads, road boundaries, crests, and other properties. Display and interact with these locations on an intuitive user interface in a no-code environment to collaborate and measure as needed.

3.3 Plantation and Forestry management

Leverage Alteia's AI techniques to deploy more thoughtful plantation or forestry management strategies that allow you to understand the health of your trees, monitor your production, and calculate carbon credit offsets.

With the Alteia Plantation & Forestry application, you can store and analyze your plantation or forest data, coming from aerial drones, ground cameras, smartphones, satellites, or Lidar.

The application enables the visualization and the computation of images, orthophotos, and 3D data, the processing of AI-driven applications in order to assess the evolution of your forests or plantations, and easily compute metrics like vegetation cover, tree density, tree health status, or carbon offset credits.

The Alteia Plantation & Forestry application automates the process of forest or plantation monitoring leveraging artificial intelligence to accurately measure changes in forest or plantation cover across different areas of interest.  You can use embedded AI algorithms to standardize and automate tree-level extractions (quantity, volume, health, etc.) from visual data. These indicators inform analysis, automatically calculating tree density so that you can optimize agronomic practices and make informed decisions on matters such as replanting.

The platform can also monitor trees lost to illegal deforestation or fires, and as new trees grow, the AI system supports the estimation of the total biomass to understand the full carbon benefit at any given time.

3.4 Precision Agriculture

Leverage Alteia's AI techniques to deploy more thoughtful crop management or seed production strategies that allow you to understand the health of your crops, assess your production and optimize crop inputs to minimize costs and meet sustainability goals.

With the Alteia Precision Agriculture application, you can store and analyze your crop data, coming from aerial drones, ground cameras, smartphones, satellites, or Lidar.

The application enables the visualization and the computation of images, orthophotos, and 3D data, the processing of AI-driven analytics in order to assess the evolution of your crops and drive data-driven agronomic decisions in crucial parts of your business by easily computing metrics like vegetation indexes, weed detection, or generating prescription maps.

With Alteia's Precision Agriculture application, you can transform the way you make agronomic decisions. Start by evaluating the efficiency of your inputs or farming practices, for example, quantifying crop response to a particular input or assessing the seeding quality based on the number of plants and vigor results.

Additionally, you can deploy a fully automated end-to-end precision ag solution and integrate it with external applications like MyJohnDeere. This allows you to use a feature, such as automatic weed detection, and seamlessly transfer that information to the sprayer terminal.

3.5 Field Trial Analysis

Powerful and scalable Plant Phenotyping Solutions to support your digital transformation, reduce seed R&D cycles, and adapt to the challenges of climate change.

Alteia Field Trial Analysis is our ready-to-use solution to enable digital phenotyping with visual information coming from multiple data sources (drones, satellites, ground cameras,..). Scale up your crop assessments and access a wide range of phenotyping traits & outputs, actionable today, without the need for software development.

At Alteia, our knowledge of agronomy, plants, and artificial intelligence has allowed us to develop data pipelines for a wide range of crops. With the Alteia Field Trial Analysis application, you can automatically detect your plots, vectorize them, and extract different types of information from visual imagery that will be automatically contextualized to the plots.

The Alteia Field Trial Analysis application turns your latest crop data into valuable phenotypic measures and reports that help you speed up your field trial programs and easily compare any plot to another - representing a gain of 30% on your R&D process.

The application enables data pipelines coming from a wide variety of sensors, vectors, and crops (fields to orchards and vineyards).

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