SDK Introduction

The Alteia SDK (Software Development Kit) is a high-level Python set of tools, libraries, and code samples developed to leverage Alteia's APIs. With it, developers quickly create, test, and develop specific applications on top of Aether. This allows you to enrich the user experience and business workflows with advanced functionality. In addition, you can seamlessly integrate Alteia with other applications, for example, to send push notifications and data, and collect industry-specific or customer-specific analytics.

The kit consists of a code library, examples, documentation, and the methodology necessary to perform specific functions, essentially everything you need to create your own modules and retrieve analytics.

You can use the Alteia SDK to do the following:

  • Connect remotely to Aether to exchange and manage data input/output
  • Fetch a project, browse its missions
  • List deliverables, download files
  • Create a new project with pictures or vectors
  • Annotate‍ data in a project
  • Search for annotations associated with a project
  • Update & delete annotations (update geometry, properties, and other attributes)
  • Annotate an image
  • Process a raster and deliver the output
  • Fetch a process area from an annotation
  • Train or run a custom algorithm as a subprocess
  • Upload and deliver the algorithm output

Before you begin

Before you start implementing the Alteia SDK, make sure to do the following:


Install the latest Alteia Python package release via pip:

pip install alteia

The Alteia Python SDK has a unique entry point through the "alteia.sdk.SDK" class. So, to use the SDK, first configure your Alteia credentials with a configuration file. All configuration files must be written in JSON format as a single JSON object, using only the supported properties:

The user identifier. Required is not provided through a configuration file, nor using "client_id."
The account password. Required if not provided through a configuration file and "user" is used.
An OAuth client identifier. Required if not provided through a configuration file and "user" is used.
The OAuth client secret. Required if not provided through a configuration file and "client_id" is used.
An optional API access token to use to authenticate requests as an alternative to using "user" or "client_id."
The public endpoint of Alteia. Default to ""
A dictionary providing the connection configuration
An optional proxy URL. The value of "https_proxy" or "http_proxy" environment variable will override if set.

Here is an example of the "config-connection.json" configuration file:

{"user": "",
"password": "20h!nph-14-12394"}
The path of the default configuration file depends on the operating system and is documented with the "alteia.core.config.ConnectionConfig" class. Based on your operating system, create the following directory and save the config-connection.json file in:
%USERPROFILE%\Application\Application Data\Alteia\alteia\ 
~/Library/Application Support/alteia/

To go further

You can find all the information about the Alteia SDK by clicking on the link below:

Access the SDK documentation

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