Infield Mobile App

1. Onboarding


  • At the first launch, Alteia's Terms of Use must be validated.
  • The application is available on iOS (version 15 minimum) and Android (version 7 minimum), on mobile phones and tablets.
  • It is mandatory to create an account on Aether platform before using the mobile app. 

At the first connection, it is needed to configure the platform URL (for example before login in with an Aether or SSO account.

The platform URL can be edited at any time using the settings button. 


2. Data Visualization

When logged into the application, select the company, the project and the survey to explore.

2.1. Navigating on the map

In the Infield application, navigating the map is a seamless and intuitive experience. Simply use your fingertips to explore the map, and drag your finger across the screen to smoothly move in any direction. For a closer look or a broader view, employ the two-finger pinch gesture to zoom in and out effortlessly, and intuitively rotate the map with a two-finger twist. Use the location button to center the map on the user's location.

The map view features a dynamic scale bar (only for Android) that adjusts proportionally with the level of zoom, offering an intuitive reference for distances.

Center on the device position by clicking on the location icon on the map. 


2.2. 2D Layers visualization

  • Click on the “Layers” icon to open the “Layers” panel as in the Aether platform and display/hide base layers, annotations, vector layers, and raw data (images).
  • Center on a layer by clicking on the location icon next to the layer name. 


Stockpile layers aren't available on the mobile app. 



2.3. Switch to 3D visualization (iOS only) 

Switch to the 3D Viewer to:

  • Perform Augmented Reality measures 
  • Scan a 3D model with Lidar 
  • Visualize a 3D model 


3. Annotations Management Tools

With infield mobile application, it is possible to: 

  • Create a point, line or polygon annotation 
  • Edit a point, line or polygon annotation (attributes and geometry)
  • Take pictures, directly attached to the annotation
  • Pin to site an annotation (Android only)
  • Delete an annotation


3.1. Create annotations

  • Click on Create
  • Select the annotation type 
  • Click on the map to create a new vertex
  • Fill in the form 
  • Take picture live-on-site if needed
  • Save to finish the creation


3.2. Edit annotation attributes 

  • Select an annotation on the map to open its info panel
  • Click on the pen icon (the one with the polygon around)
  • Edit any field on the panel 
  • Take picture live-on-site, or delete already attached picture if needed
  • Save to finish the edition



Image deletion is only possible during annotation attributes edition. 

Pin-to-site is only available on the Android app. 



3.3. Edit annotation geometry

  • Select an annotation on the map to open its info panel
  • Click on the pen icon (the one with the polygon around)
  • Select a vertex by clicking on it 
  • Drag and drop the vertex to move its location 
  • Click on any point on the map to add a new vertex
  • Save to finish the edition



Line and polygon style is editable only on Aether platform. 



3.4. Delete annotations  

  • Select an annotation on the map to open its info panel
  • Click on the trash icon and confirm the deletion


4. Vectors Management Tools

All vector layers can be visualized using the mobile application, flights and GCP are only available for visualization whether other vectors can be edited.

4.1. Manage vector layer attributes 

  • Display the layer on the map
  • On the map, click on a feature to open its info panel
  • Click on the 3 dots and then on “Manage attributes”
  • Add or delete attributes 
  • Click on “Save" to update the layer 


4.2. Edit features attributes values 

  • On the map, click on a feature to open its info panel
  • In the “Properties” panel, click on "Edit values" to edit all values
  • Edit wanted values and click on “Save” to update the feature


4.3. Manage pictures

  • On the map, click on a feature to open its info pane
  • ln the “Pictures” panel, take picture live-on-site, which will directly be attached to the layer, (the picture is uploaded in background and will be visible once the ingestion process finishes)
  • If needed, delete already attached picture using the trash icon


5. Rasters Management Tools

Raster layers are available in the “Base Layers” section. 
For now, only visualization is available. 


6. Logout 

Click on the 3 dots button and “Logout”. The login page is displayed.



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