Data Acquisition - Tasks Management
1. Data Acquisition task creation
Step 1 - Click on "+ NEW TASK" in the Task Manager to create a new task from scratch in the Data Acquisition Module.

Step 2 - Indicate the different information related to the Data Acquisition task, at this stage, the minimum information required is the corresponding Company and the Task name. The new task created appears in the "Pending" section of Data Acquisition.

- For tasks generated from the Season Planner module, the task automatically gets the status "Ready".
- A message is displayed during the task creation indicating that this task will not be rescheduled in the Season Planner
- The tasks generated from the Season Planner have the suffix “[SPL]”.

2. Filter and Sort
Users can filter or sort the Data Acquisition tasks with the 2 following buttons.
- Filters

- Sort

3. Task workflow
- There are multiple task statuses in the Data Acquisition Module. The user has to edit the task and complete the required information to move from one status to another.
- To edit a task, click on the three dots menu of the task and "Edit".
- There is some required information to move a task from one status to another:
3.1 From Pending to Ready
- Give a name to the task.
- Select the project if there is an existing one or create one directly from the task.
- Define the Forecast mission date.
3.2 From Ready to Assigned
- Select the Team and Pilot that will perform the task.
Active pilots only
Only active pilots can be selected, blocked pilots are not visible.
3.3 From Assigned to Scheduled
- Schedule the mission.
3.4 From Scheduled to Data Captured
- The condition for moving a task to the status “Data Captured” is to fill in the field report.
- When the task has the “Data Captured” status, it is visible on the task label.
3.5 From Data Captured to Data Submitted
- The user or the pilot has to upload the data from the mission.
The type of requested data set/input depends on two settings selected at the Data Acquisition task creation:
- TASK PROPERTIES section: Purpose (Mapping or Raw or 3D Modeling).
- COLLECTION REQUIREMENT section: Sensor type.
3.6 From Data Submitted to Completed
- The Data Acquisition task is validated.
4. Tasks settings
4.1 Settings
The two following settings of the Data Acquisition task will define the required inputs at the end of the workflow.

If the Data Acquisition task is created from the Season Planner, the collection requirement will be filled automatically after the task creation.
4.2 Sensor Type/Purpose
The table below shows the requested datasets according to the settings defined in the task.
Sensor Type / Purpose | Mapping | 3D modelling | Raw |
Raw images OR
Point Cloud 3D Model |
Raw images OR
Point Cloud 3D Model |
Raw images |
Multispectral |
Raw images OR
Reflectance map
Not configured | Not configured |
Hyperspectral | Reflectance map | Not configured | Not configured |
Thermal |
Raw images OR
Thermal map
Not configured | Not configured |
Lidar |
Point Cloud | Not configured | Not configured |
4.3 Custom identifiers (specific for Agriculture)
- Custom Identifiers are additional labels to identify tasks in the module.
- Custom identifiers can be added, deleted, or edited during task creation or edition as shown in the following images.
- The available ID types are:
- Crop
- Field
- Trial
- Growth Stage
- It is also possible to visualize them by hovering on the task in the tracking view.

Some custom identifiers can be prefilled if the task has been generated with the Season Planner Module.
- Do not delete the custom identifiers of a task linked to the Season Planner module.
- If the custom identifiers are deleted, the analyses in the Season planner could be impacted.
4.4 Flight parameters
It is possible to indicate the flight parameters required.
Several parameters are proposed depending on the sensor type.
- Height Above ground level or Ground sampling distance
- Flight speed
- GPS accuracy
- Camera rotation - tilt
- Camera rotation - pan
- Min distance to equipment
- Max distance to equipment
- Height Above ground level or Ground sampling distance
- Flight speed
- Height Above ground level or Ground sampling distance
- Flight speed
- Height Above ground level or Ground sampling distance
- Flight speed
- Overlap forward
- Overlap lateral
- Height Above ground level
- Flight speed
- GPS accuracy
- Points density
- Number of echos
5. Task deletion
Deleting a task linked to Season Planner will remove the link between the Data Acquisition task and Season Planner task. In the Season Planner, the task will have the status “No capture task” and the button “VIEW TASK” will no longer be displayed. It will be necessary to generate the capture task again from the season planner (see Season Planner - Creation of Data Acquisition Tasks).
5.1. Unitary task deletion
From any view, use the 3 dots menu of the desired task and click on "Delete".

5.2. Bulk task deletion
In the Listing view, select the tasks you want to delete and click on "Delete tasks".

6. Task rejection
6.1. Unitary task rejection
Click on “REJECT TASK” from the task details page (in "Assigned" status").

6.2. Bulk task rejection
In the Listing view, select the desired tasks (in “Assigned” status) and click on "Reject tasks".

7. Export of tasks
It is possible to export some tasks in the CSV file.
The CSV file will contain a great number of task properties, as well as some coverage metrics:
- Covered mission area (%): percentage of the mission area covered by the task dataset of reference (for mission area of type linestring, multilinestring and polygon)
- Covered mission length (m): length of mission area covered by the task dataset of reference (if the mission area is of type linestring or multilinestring)
- Uncovered mission length (m): length of the mission area uncovered by the task dataset of reference (if the mission area is of type linestring or multilinestring)
- Covered mission surface (m²): surface of the mission area covered by the task dataset of reference (if the mission area is of type polygon)
- Uncovered mission surface (m²): surface of the mission area uncovered by the task dataset of reference (if the mission area is of type polygon)
Task dataset of reference
For tasks where the purpose is “mapping” and the sensor type is “RGB”, the metrics are extracted from the Orthomosaic map
For tasks where the purpose is “mapping” and the sensor type is “Multispectral” or “Hyperspectral”, the metrics are extracted from the Reflectance map
For tasks where the purpose is “mapping” and the sensor type is “Thermal”, the metrics are extracted from the Thermal map
For tasks where the purpose is “mapping” and the sensor type is “Lidar”, the metrics are extracted from the Point Cloud
For tasks where the purpose is “3d modelling” and the sensor type is “RGB”, the metrics are extracted from the Orthofaçade
For tasks where the purpose is “raw” : no metrics provided
7.1. General export of tasks
To export the first 1000 tasks (without any task selection), click on "Export tasks" from any view (Tracking, Calendar or Listing)

After a while (export duration depends on the number of tasks), the export is generated in CSV format.
It complies with the tasks which correspond to the filter/sorting options. Only the 1000 first tasks resulting from this search, are extracted.
7.2. Export a selection of tasks
In the Listing view, select the desired tasks and click on "Export tasks".

After a while (export duration depends on the number of tasks), the export is generated in CSV format.