Photogrammetry Accuracy Reports

1. Description

A photogrammetry accuracy report is a PDF document that provides information about image positions, camera calibrations, ground control points (GCPs), and checkpoint accuracy.



This report can only be provided if a self-service photogrammetry operation has been previously completed on a project. For any new operation, a new report is issued, regardless of the selected engine (Pix4Dengine or Agisoft Metashape).

2. Access the report

Step 1 - Click on the download button from the project navigation menu (framed in yellow below).

Step 2 - The download panel opens and each survey with a self-service photogrammetry process appears with a report.

Step 3 - Download the PDF report by selecting the download icon to the right of the report title (framed in red below).

The amount of information in the document varies depending on the type of sensors used.

3. Report Overview

Here is an example of a downloaded report for a multispectral sensor:

Example of GCPs or Check Points table in Photogrammetry Accuracy Reports:

For more information, see Quality Checks and Statistics‍.