View and Edit Company Details

1. Description

View and Edit companies regarding whether the user is a Domain Manager or a Company manager.

2. Domain manager

  • Login to a domain as a domain manager.
  • Open the "Administration" / "Companies" page


  • Click on the 3 dots and then Details, Edit or Delete depending on what you want to accomplish.
  • If you click on Details you have access to the parameter of the company. You can click on EDIT if you need to changes some settings.
  • If you click on Edit you will be able to edit each fields. Click on save changes when you have finished.
  • If you click on Delete the company will be deleted


Deleting a company will delete all the data associated with this company


3. Company manager

  • Login to a domain as a Company manager.
  • Open the "Administration" / "Companies" page.
  • Click on the 3 dots and then Details or Edit depending on what you want to accomplish.
  • If you click on Details you have access to the parameter of the company. You can click on EDIT if you need to changes some settings.
  • If you click on Edit you will be able to edit each fields. Click on save changes when you have finished.

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