VIDEOS - How to use Alteia for Mining & Aggregates

Here you will find different videos that help you in different actions needed on Alteia to perform basic or advanced tasks.


Some roles on Alteia will not allow you to perform some actions listed in the following videos. For example, only the Manager role can perform Site Settings modifications, Editing, Deleting of those sites and User Management. If you want to learn further what each role can perform, here is a table detailing the action of each role existing on Alteia, visit the following link Account and User Roles Management‍‍

1. Presentation of the basic buttons of Alteia:

This includes, how to:

  1. Edit your profile
  2. View Notifications
  3. User Management
  4. Process Monitoring (Storage)
  5. Credit consumption

2. How to view the Site info panel:

This video will allow you to:

  1. View Site information from different locations
  2. Edit the name of the site if needed
  3. Delete the site if needed

    Deleting a site is permanent and cannot be retrieved

  4. Change the unit of measurements
  5. Change the Coordinate Reference System (CRS)

3. How to view the Base Layers (Orthomosaic, DSM,…) and switch to 3D Mode

This will teach you how to:

  1. Show or Hide the Orthomosaic
  2. Show or Hide the Digital Surface Model (DSM)
  3. Change the opacity if needed
  4. Switch to 3D mode
  5. Show and Hide point Cloud
  6. Show and Hide 3D Model

Note: If you upload your own processed Orthomosaic or DSM, kindly make sure you categorize them in the right section before uploading so they appear in the Base Layers. Select the right category is available when you upload a file.

4. How to import a vector, raster, or any compatible file on a specific site or survey


If you want to import a file to appear on a single survey use:

  • A new survey - If a survey does not exist yet
  • A specific survey of this site by selecting the correct date from the drop-down menu

If you want to import a file to appear on every survey of the site, select:

  • All surveys of this Site

5. How to change site information and other settings


Only a user in a Manager Role is allowed to perform the following actions

Different settings that can be changed:

  1. Define the largest truck that circulates on-site (For Haul Road analytics)
  2. Define what is the highest permitted altitude for a Quarry Face / High wall (allows the change in the color display)
  3. Define what units of the slope grade to be displayed in, and which ones you consider as a steep, medium, or regular slope
  4. How to add material types to your company or site inventory, and/or how to import a list of material types if you have a long list.

6. How to use the maps compare tool


You will need at least 2 survey dates that have either a Digital Surface Model (DSM) and/or an Orthomosaic or both to be able to compare maps.


You can only compare:

  • DSM with another DSM or DTM of a different date
  • Orthomosaic with another Orthomosaic of a different date

You cannot compare a DSM with an Orthomosaic.

7. How to use the Elevation Profile tool

You can access it with the Measure tool or Line tool

8. How to view & use the DSM map, and how to change it into a slope view:

A DSM or Digital Surface Model is a dynamic interactive color-coded map. It allows you to visualize your site based on elevations represented in colors that can be identified in the histogram. You can define it to only show certain elevations based on your selection, or visualize your site in a precise manner.

9. How to create annotations and groups to classify annotation or other imported files

10. How to request advanced analytics

In the Mines & Aggregates and construction industry, Alteia offers different Advanced Analytics to be requested that can provide you more insight on your site. The different analytics can be requested directly within Alteia.


Pre-requirements before ordering: Orthomosaic, Digital Surface Model, Point Cloud

11. How to launch a Photogrammetry processing

If you have an external operator that provided you with raw images, and were uploaded to Alteia, and need to be processed, or if you received a notification telling you that images are uploaded on your account, just follow the video to learn how to launch the processing.


You need to download the Ground Control Points coordinate file before proceeding, unless those were not used during the flight

12. Stockpile Materials Type settings and management

This video will help you If you have a few or a list of materials types and you want to upload them to Alteia on a specific site or on a company level. If a list is at your disposition, make sure the file is in .CSV and is in the following format

13. How to use and manage the Stockpile Module


If you did not request Advanced Stockpiles, you need to activate the Stockpile module in order to proceed into managing your stockpiles in Self-Service mode.

This icon means that no material type has been defined on the stockpile yet

14. How to download or convert your files before downloading them

You have the possibility to downgrade the quality of the desired file before downloading to have them in a lighter version or convert your files into a different format for them to be used on other software

15. How to access and use the Support Portal


You will need to create an account on the portal before accessing it and submitting support tickets. Your Alteia credentials are different from the one used on the Support Portal

16. How to access Alteia's Knowledge base

17. For Clients in France only - Comment commander un vol drone sur mon site?

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