Launch Analytics

1. Description

This article is about the generic process of launching analytics.

2. Pre-requisites

  • the analytics is available on your company
  • if the analytics is external (custom), then you must have permission to launch custom analytics (an administrator account is not sufficient. A role of type "custom analytic launcher" is required)

3. Workflow

Step 1 - Login to the platform.

Step 2 - Select the company and the project to run the analytics.

Step 3 - Click on the analytics button, and the analytics tab is deployed.

Step 4 - Select the analytics.

Step 5 (optional) - Select the analytics version if a select box is proposed on the Version field.

Step 6 - Click on "LAUNCH".


Note 1: If there are more than 10 items of the same type in a survey, then a search field will be displayed for each survey.

Note 2: When some data are available in several surveys, a progress bar is displayed when unfolding the survey. Please wait until the end of the horizontal progress bar to get the datasets listed under the survey.

Step 7 (if applicable) - Make a search to refine the list of inputs.

Step 8 - Select the required inputs for the analytics (visualizable data will be displayed on the map), and click on "NEXT STEP".

Step 9 - Enter the required parameters, and click on "LAUNCH <ANALYTICS NAME>".

Step 10 - Click on the "LAUNCHED" tab. The analytics is shown in  “IN PROGRESS” status.

4. Results

When the analytics will be completed, a notification message will be displayed with a link to view the survey data. After clicking on this link, you will be redirected to the layers menu.