Annotation explorer

List all annotations available on a specific project.


1. Description

The Annotation Explorer lists all the annotations created on all surveys of a specific project. The user can visualize this list, filter it according to different criteria, click on a line to get details on a specific annotation, do bulk actions such as update, export or delete on selected annotations. 

2. Access to annotation explorer

To open Annotation explorer, go to Data Studio, and select a project. Click on this icon to open the Annotation explorer

3. Dasboard

This view presents all annotations of all surveys of the selected project.  

The columns are the following : 

  • Type: Geometric shape of the annotation (polygon, line or point)
  • Survey: Name of the survey on which the annotation has been created
  • Creator: Name of the user who created the annotation
  • Creation date: Creation date of the annotation
  • Modification date: Modification date of the annotation. 

The user can choose to display or hide some columns by clicking on this button :

By default, the annotations are ordered by “modification date”, from the recent one to the oldest one. The user can change this order, selecting “sort by descending modification date”  : 


3.1. Filters

The user can filter the displayed annotations according to the following criteria: 

  • Survey
  • Creation date
  • Creator

To do so, click on “FILTERS” button above the table. Define the filter criteria and click on “APPLY”. 

The list of annotations is filtered according to the defined criteria. 


If several filters are activated, the table only displays annotations satisfying all defined criteria. 



In addition, there is a “Search by name” field on top of the global view, enabling the user to find a given annotation quicker. 


3.2. Export

The user can export the list of annotations by clicking on the “EXPORT” button, on top right of the page. It will generate a CSV file with the annotations details.


If no filters are set, all annotations in the project will be exported. 

If filters are set, only filtered annotations will be exported

If annotations are selected, only the selected annotations will be exported




3.3. Deletion

The user can delete one annotation or a list of annotations by clicking on the “DELETE” button, on top right of the page.

4. Detailed view

Clicking on a specific raw in the table opens a panel with annotation details.. 

By clicking on the button, the user can do several actions on the selected annotation: